Affordable & Reliable

Affordable and accurate English language testing for students

At ExamaCert, we know how vital it is for higher education institutions and students to access accurate, affordable, and easily accessible English language evaluation exams.

ExamaCert provides fast, accurate, online English tests that are fully aligned with the CEFR and certify 4 key skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Fast, accurate & flexible CEFR aligned English language evaluation exams >>

Every ExamaCert exam is undertaken through a secure connection with screen and video recording to ensure 100% integrity of ExamaCert results.

Secure & reliable English language evaluation testing

We believe that adding ExamaCert to your institution’s approved English language certification exams will offer improvements in availability and affordability for your potential students.

If you have questions about ExamaCert, please don’t hesitate to reach out; our team will be delighted to help.

PS Verifying ExamaCert certificates is quick and simple for institutions. Each certificate has a unique, secure number that can be verified instantly on our website. Reliable English language testing that education institutions can trust >>